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Executive Office of the Mayor

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Organizational Charts for Agencies and Offices Under the Mayor's Authority

Executive Office of the Mayor (EOM):

  • Office of Communications: Works to ensure that the media, residents of and visitors to the District, and District employees have access to accurate, timely information from the Mayor.
  • Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS): Serves as the Mayor’s primary constituent services organization by providing rapid and complete responses to constituent requests, complaints, and questions.
  • Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA): Makes recommendations for outstanding community leaders to serve as appointed leadership staff or members to District boards and commissions.
  • Mayor’s Office of Policy and Innovation (MOPI): Responsible for generating the fresh ideas that allow the District government to better serve District residents, create forwardthinking change, and support a city that is as innovative as it is historic.

  • Mayor’s Office of the General Counsel (OGC): Provides legal counsel to the Mayor, Deputy Mayors’ offices, and District agencies.

  • Mayor’s Office of Legal Counsel (MOLC): Provides legal counsel to the Mayor, Deputy Mayors’ offices, and District agencies, with particular attention to coordinating legal support with agency general counsels and their staff.

  • Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs (MOCA): Fosters communication and relationships across all eight wards and between the community and District agencies. Oversees the following offices: Mayor’s Office on African Affairs, Mayor’s Office of African American Affairs, Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs, Mayor’s Office of the Clean City, Mayor’s Office on Fathers, Men, and Boys, Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs, Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs, Mayor’s Office of Nightlife and Culture, Mayor’s Office of Religious Affairs, Mayor’s Office on Returning Citizens Affairs, Mayor’s Office of Veterans Affairs, Mayor’s Office of Volunteerism and Partnerships, and Mayor’s Office on Women’s Policy and Initiatives.

Office of the Senior Advisor (OSA): Advises the Mayor on the local, regional, federal, and international affairs by providing policy analysis and advancing the legislative agenda. OSA includes three other offices, OPLA, OFRA, and the Office of the Secretary.

Office of the City Administrator (OCA): Responsible for the day-to-day management of the District government, setting operational goals, and implementing the legislative actions and policy decisions of the Mayor and DC Council. The City Administrator reports directly to the Mayor and has direct oversight over all executive-reporting agencies. The City Administrator prepares the District’s annual operating budget and provides direction to all agencies to ensure they are meeting the needs of District residents.

Office of the Deputy Mayor for Operations and Infrastructure (DMOI): Oversees the District government's infrastructure and government services agencies to provide a safe, reliable, and robust multimodal transportation network in the District and to develop innovative ways to provide faster, more transparent, and customer-friendly government services for residents, non-residents, and businesses.

  • District Department of Transportation (DDOT): Delivers safe, reliable, and easy navigable roads for District residents, commuters, and visitors.
  • Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): Processes parking, photo enforcement, and minor moving violation tickets, issues driver certification and identification services to District residents, provides certification and inspection services for District vehicles, and issues parking permits.
  • Department of Public Works (DPW): Provides environmental services/solid waste management services (trash and recycling collection, sanitation education and enforcement, graffiti removal, public litter can service, fall leaf collection, and street and alley cleaning) and street parking enforcement.
  • Department of For Hire Vehicles (DFHV): Regulates the vehicle-for-hire industry to allow the residents and visitors of the District of Columbia to have safe, affordable, and accessible transportation options.
  • The Department of Buildings (DOB) is responsible for regulating construction activity in the District of Columbia. The agency operates a consolidated permit operations division, reviews all construction documents to ensure compliance with building codes and zoning regulations, and has inspection and oversight authority, through which construction activity, building systems, and rental housing establishments are inspected, with violations cited and, if necessary, abatement pursued within the limits of the law.
  • The Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) is responsible for regulating business activity in the District of Columbia. The agency protects consumers, issues business and professional licenses, registers corporations, inspects weighing and measuring devices used for monetary profit, and issues special events permits.
  • Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE): Enforces environmental regulations; monitors and assesses environmental risks; develops energy and environmental policies; issues permits (e.g., asbestos abatement permits and hazardous material management permits); and provides residents and local businesses with funding, technical assistance, and information on initiatives designed to ensure a more resilient and sustainable city.
  • Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB): Ensures District residents have access to a wide choice of insurance, securities, and banking products and services, and that they are treated fairly by the companies and individuals that provide those services.


Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services (DMHHS): Oversees the District’s health and human support service agencies in order to coordinate a comprehensive system of benefits, goods, and services across multiple agencies to ensure that children, youth, and adults, with and without disabilities, can lead healthy, meaningful, and productive lives.

  • DC Health: Identifies and educates the public about health risks; prevents and controls diseases, injuries, and exposure to environmental hazards; promotes effective community collaborations; and optimizes equitable access to community resources.

  • Department of Human Services (DHS): Administers public benefit programs (e.g., Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); and medical assistance programs) and other programs offering connections to work opportunities, economic assistance, and support services (e.g., child care assistance, burial assistance, emergency rental assistance, eviction prevention assistance, etc.).

  • Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA): Responsible for protecting child victims and those at risk of abuse and neglect and assisting their families.

  • Department of Disability Services (DDS): Delivers the following services to individuals with disabilities: (1) Outreach and service coordination services; and (2) Development and management of a provider network delivering community residential, day, vocational, employment, individual, and family support services.

  • Department of Behavioral Health (DBH): Provides prevention, intervention, and treatment services and supports for children, youth, and adults with mental and/or substance use disorders including emergency psychiatric care and communitybased outpatient and residential services.

  • Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF): Administers the District’s Medicaid program, insurance programs for immigrant children, the State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP or CHIP), and Medical Charities (a locally funded program).

  • Department of Aging and Community Living (DACL): Serves District residents 60 and older, adults living with disabilities, and those who care for them through a variety of programs including community activities and events, nutrition and transportation services, healthcare and insurance counseling, caregiver support resources, and adult protective services.

  • Thrive by Five: Works to ensure that every family in the District is knowledgeable of and connected to programs and resources, ranging from maternal health to early childhood supports, needed not only to survive but to thrive.


Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED): Oversees District agencies involved in the coordination, planning, supervision, and execution of economic development efforts with the goal of creating and preserving affordable housing, creating jobs, and increasing tax revenue.

  • Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD): Works to preserve and increase the supply of quality affordable housing; increase homeownership opportunities; revitalize neighborhoods; and promote community development.

  • Office of Planning (OP): Performs planning for neighborhoods, corridors, districts, historic preservation, public facilities, parks, open spaces, and individual sites. Engages in urban design, land use, and historic preservation review. Conducts historic resources research and community visioning, and manages, analyzes, maps, and disseminates spatial and US Census data.

  • Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment (OCTFME): Produces and broadcasts programming for the District’s public, educational, and government access cable channels and digital radio station. Regulates the District’s cable television service providers. Provides customer service for cable subscribers and supports a sustainable creative economy and labor market in the District.

  • Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD): Supports the development, economic growth, and retention of Districtbased businesses, and promotes economic development throughout the District’s commercial corridors.


Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME): Oversees the District’s education agencies to develop and implement a District-wide education strategy.

  • District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS): The agency overseeing the District’s public schools.

  • Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE): Serves as the District’s liaison to the U.S. Department of Education and works closely with the District’s traditional and public charter schools to oversee all federal education programs and related grants administered in the District, develop state-level standards aligned with school, college, and workforce readiness expectations, ensure access to high-quality child care and universal pre-kindergarten for eligible District families, and provide resources and supports to assist the District’s most vulnerable student populations.

  • Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR): Supervises many of the District’s recreation and community centers, parks, athletic fields, playgrounds, spray parks, tennis courts, community gardens, dog parks, aquatic facilities and features.

  • Department of Employment Services (DOES): Connects District residents, job seekers, and employers to opportunities and resources that empower fair, safe, effective working communities.

  • DC Works: Workforce Investment Council (WIC): A private sectorled board responsible for advising the Mayor, Council, and District government on the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of an integrated and effective workforce investment system. Members of the WIC include representatives from the private sector, local business representatives, government officials, organized labor, youth community groups, and organizations with workforce investment experience.


Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice (DMPSJ): Oversees the District’s public safety agencies to develop and lead interagency public safety initiatives to improve the quality of life in the District’s neighborhoods.

  • Metropolitan Police Department (MPD): The primary law enforcement agency for the District.

  • Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department (FEMS): Provides prehospital treatment and transportation, fire prevention, fire suppression, and fire rescue activities.

  • Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA): Leads the planning and coordination of homeland security and emergency management efforts to ensure that the District is prepared to prevent, protect against, respond to, mitigate and recover from all threats and hazards.

  • Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME): Provides forensic services to government agencies, health care providers and citizens in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area to ensure that justice is served and to improve the health and safety of the public.

  • Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG): Develops, funds, and coordinates programs that improve public safety; enhance the administration of justice; and create systems of care for crime victims, youth, and their families in the District. This includes: (1) Coordinating communitybased and District agency services for victims of crime and justice involved individuals; (2) Managing efforts that aim to reduce truancy in the District’s public and charter schools, and supports juvenile delinquency prevention, juvenile justice diversion, mentoring, and gang intervention efforts; and (3) Serving as the State-Administering Agency responsible for the direction of systemic criminal justice planning, coordination, management, research, training, and technical assistance.

  • Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE): Fosters communitybased strategies to help prevent violence and increase public safety, rooted in a public health approach to violence prevention, recognizing that reducing crime is not accomplished by law enforcement alone.

  • Office of Human Rights (OHR): Enforces local and federal human rights laws, including the DC Human Rights Act, by providing a legal process to those who believe they have been discriminated against, and investigates practices and policies in the District that may be discriminatory.

  • Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS): Responsible for the supervision, custody, and care of young people charged with a delinquent act in the District and detained in a DYRS facility while awaiting adjudication or committed to DYRS by a DC Family Court judge following adjudication.


Internal Services (IS): A division of OCA, led by the Assistant City Administrator, which oversees the District agencies that provide services directly to the District government.

  • Department of General Services (DGS): Builds, maintains, and sustains the District’s real estate portfolio by: (1) Managing capital improvements and construction; (2) Covering utility and energy services such as electricity, steam, and water; (3) Providing specialized maintenance at District schools; and (4) Providing security at key District facilities.

  • Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO): Develops, implements, and maintains the District’s technology infrastructure; develops and implements major enterprise applications; establishes and oversees technology policies and standards for the District; provides technology services and support for District agencies, and develops technology solutions to improve services to businesses, residents and visitors in all areas of District government.

  • Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP): Partners with vendors and District agencies to purchase quality goods and services in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost while ensuring that all purchasing actions are conducted fairly and impartially.

  • Department of Human Resources (DCHR): Provides human resource management to the District government.   

  • Office of Risk Management (ORM): Responsible for: (1) Settling claims made against the District arising out of the alleged negligence or wrongful act of a District officer or employee that are not the subject of civil or administrative litigation; (2) Assessing risk and preventing liability and injury; and (3) Administering the District’s public workers compensation and tort liability programs.

  • Office of Disability Rights (ODR): Responsible for ensuring that the programs, services, benefits, activities, and facilities operated or funded by the District are fully accessible to and usable by people with disabilities.

  • Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (OLRCB): Represent the District in labor issues by: (1) Representing management in before the Public Employee Relations Board in representation matters, unit determinations, unfair labor practices, negotiability appeals, arbitration appeals and impasse proceedings; (2) Representing the Mayor and District departments, offices, and agencies in collective bargaining over term working conditions, compensation agreements, and their impact on conditions of employment; and (3) Developing and presenting cases before third party neutrals in mediation and arbitration proceedings.