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Executive Office of the Mayor

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Fact Sheets

Get Covered, Stay Covered

Safer Stronger DC


(click on link or image for larger version)

Guns Tip Reward Information

Guns Tip Reward Information

If you know someone who has an illegal gun or where illegal guns are being hidden, call (202) 727-9099 or anonymously text 504111 to be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,500 - $10,000.


No Guns Sign

No Guns Sign

A stronger community is a safer community. Weapons, including concealed firearms, are not welcome on private or public properties. Download and post this sign in your home and/or business today.


Private Security Camera Incentive Program

Private Security Camera Incentive Program

The Private Security Camera Incentive Program, encourages residents, businesses, non-profits and religious institutions to install security camera systems on their property and register them with the Metropolitan Police Department (MDP).

For more information and to apply


DC Values in Action

Progress Reports

Accountability Reports

Tentative Contract Agreement with Washington Teachers Union - Aug 2017

Additional Facts