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Executive Office of the Mayor
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Statement from Mayor Bowser on Confirmation of Chief Pamela A. Smith

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

(Washington, DC) – Today, following the DC Council’s unanimous confirmation of Pamela A. Smith as the Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Mayor Muriel Bowser released the following statement:

“When we asked the community, in the spring, what they wanted to see in their next Chief of Police, we heard loud and clear that they wanted someone who could advocate for a better policy environment while leading MPD and engaging residents. Our community understands the urgency to both drive down crime and build up MPD. Chief Smith hit the ground running in July, sharing her story and vision, making sure she was accessible to residents and businesses, and prioritizing common-sense solutions to long-standing challenges. We have work to do, and I am proud to have Chief Smith at the helm of MPD as we continue engaging and working with community stakeholders and our partners on the Council and in the criminal justice system.”

With today’s confirmation, Chief Smith becomes the first African American woman named permanent chief of MPD.

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