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Executive Office of the Mayor

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Mayor Bowser Public Calendar for Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

*At 2:45 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will visit the French Embassy located at 4101 Reservoir Road, NW to pay her respects to the lives lost in Paris last week.

12:15 pm
US Conference of Mayors leadership lunch meeting with Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, Mayor Mitchell Landrieu, Mayor Michael Nutter, and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Location: US Conference of Mayors
1620 I (Eye) Street, NW
Closed Press

1:30 pm
Meeting with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and leaders of the US Conference of Mayors to discuss criminal justice reform and strategies to keep cities safe
Location: US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Remarks at the beginning of the meeting are open to pre-credentialed press. The meeting is closed to press.

5:30 pm
Deliver Remarks at the Commemorate and Celebrate Freedom Event, hosted by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) Location: NMAAHC
Madison Drive between 14th and 15th Streets, NW
Open Press
*Closest Metros: Smithsonian and Federal Triangle Metro Stations*

6:30 pm
Attend Venture Philanthropy Partners Speaker Series
Location: Covington & Burling LLP
One CityCenter, 850 10th Street, NW
Closed Press