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Executive Office of the Mayor
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Mayor Bowser Public Calendar for Monday, May 1, 2023

Monday, May 1, 2023

12 pm
Call on DC Council to Pass a Budget that Supports DC’s Comeback
Location: Franklin Park
1332 I Street NW
Open Press
*Closest Metro Stations: McPherson Square*
*Closest Bikeshare Station: 15th and K Street NW* 

1:30 pm
Deliver Remarks at Metropolitan Police Memorial Dedication Ceremony
Location: DC Police Memorial
300 Indiana Avenue NW
Open Press
*Closest Metro Stations: Judiciary Square*
*Closest Bikeshare: 4th & D St NW*

The DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment will provide a live feed of both events. To view the event, visit, tune in on Channel 16 (DCN), or watch on Mayor Bowser’s Facebook or Twitter.      

Social Media:
Mayor Bowser Twitter: @MayorBowser
Mayor Bowser Instagram: @Mayor_Bowser
Mayor Bowser Facebook:
Mayor Bowser YouTube: