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Executive Office of the Mayor

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Mayor Bowser Commemorates the 58th Anniversary of the March on Washington

Friday, August 27, 2021
Highlighting D.C. Statehood, Voting Rights, and Social Injustices

(Washington, DC) – On Saturday, August 28, starting at 9 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser and a number of local leaders of the D.C. statehood movement, as well as social justice organizations, will gather with community members to assemble the Rally and Dream March on Washington for D.C. Statehood, voting rights, and social injustices as part of the commemoration of the 58th anniversary of the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom led by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mayor Bowser encourages residents to join her in the march and the rally to the Lincoln Memorial from Freedom Plaza. The first 500 people will receive a t-shirt, sticker and a District of Columbia flag to carry and honor the thousands of DC veterans who gave their lives fighting for democracy. 

Residents interested in joining the march can RSVP here


Saturday, August 28, 9 am 


Mayor Muriel Bowser
Reverend William Barber II
United States Senator Michael D. Brown 
United States Representative Adeoye I. Owolewa
Former Mayor Sharon Pratt
Charles J. Moreland, D.C.’s first elected U.S. Representative
Franklin Garcia, former U.S. Representative


Freedom Plaza 
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
*Closest Metro Station: Federal Triangle Metro Station*

Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected]

The DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment will provide a live feed of this event. To view event online visit or tune in on Channel 16 (DCN).