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Executive Office of the Mayor

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Mayor Bowser Announces Key Appointments

Thursday, June 3, 2021

(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the following appointments in her Administration:

Dr. Christina Grant, Acting Superintendent of Education – Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Dr. Christina Grant has extensive experience overseeing the operations and finances of school systems. She is a seasoned leader and manager with two decades of experience overseeing complex budgets, accountability systems, and policy and politics across several organizations. Dr. Grant’s leadership is grounded in the belief that diversity and inclusiveness is more than just a phrase, but the cornerstone set of advancements needed to truly transform public education and our world. She recently served as the Chief of Charter Schools and Innovation for The School District of Philadelphia, she oversaw a budget of more than $1 billion and a portfolio of both district and charter schools. In this capacity, Dr. Grant managed a complex organization, working closely with the Superintendent of Schools and the President of the Board of Education and Mayor’s Chief Education Officer. Dr. Grant’s career began as a public school teacher in Harlem; since then, she’s held numerous roles in education, including as Superintendent of the Great Oaks Foundation and Deputy Executive Director at the New York City Department of Education.

Robert Matthews, Acting Director – Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA)

Acting Director Robert Matthews is currently the Principal Deputy Director and Deputy Director of Entry Services at the Child and Family Services Agency, where he played a key role in the landscape of CFSA throughout his time in the agency. Director Matthews has over 24 years of experience in child- and family-serving organizations, and during his tenure at CFSA he has served in a multitude of roles, including as Interim Deputy Director of Program Operations, Deputy Director of Community Partnerships Administration, Administrator for the Placement and Kinship Administrations, Interim Administrator for the Child Protective Services Administration, and Program Manager of the Kinship Support Division, granting him thorough experience with intra-agency communications and cooperation. As Principal Deputy Director, Director Matthews oversees all clinical practice, collaborates with program deputy directors to provide fiscal oversight of local and federal dollars, and serves on various community commissions, sub-committees, and panels to improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable population of abused and neglected children. Additionally, he provides administrative oversight of the CFSA program areas of Entry Services, Program Operations, the Office of Well-Being, and the Program Outcomes Unit.