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Executive Office of the Mayor
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Statement on the Life and Legacy of Bruce Johnson

Monday, April 11, 2022

(Washington, DC)  Today, as community members came together to celebrate and honor the memory of Bruce Johnson, LaToya Foster delivered remarks on behalf of Mayor Muriel Bowser. The Mayor also released the following statement:

“Over his more than 44 years at Channel 9, Bruce not only became one of the most well-respected storytellers in the country, but he became an emblem of Washington, DC. In telling the story of our city, he became an integral part of it. Bruce held a deep sense of understanding of who we were and are as a people and, in turn, he gave voice to our communities, telling our stories with the respect and compassion they deserved. He was there to celebrate our successes, to help us make sense of our challenges, and to help guide and mentor a generation of local journalists who can now carry on that legacy. Always leading with grace and gravitas, Bruce had the respect and trust of DC, and I am fortunate to have spent some time in his bright light. Today, I’m sending my love to Lori, his children and grandchildren, and all who loved Bruce.”