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Executive Office of the Mayor
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Mayor Bowser to Lead Mount Pleasant Community Walk and Speak with Business Owners

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

(Washington, DC) – On Wednesday, October 25 at 4 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will be joined by Acting Chief of Police Pamela Smith, District officials, and community leaders to conduct a walk in the Ward 1 community of Mount Pleasant. During the community walk, the Mayor will make stops at local businesses to hear from business owners in the neighborhood. 
The Mayor will also speak with community leaders and business owners about the legislation she announced this week, the Addressing Crime Trends Now Act (ACT Now). The legislation supports safe and effective policing and addresses recent crime trends around retail theft, loitering around open-air drug markets, and the use of masks to commit crimes and intimidate people.  
The walk will begin with a media avail at Lamont Plaza, continue down Mt. Pleasant Street NW, and end at the intersection of Mt Pleasant Street NW and 16th Street NW. 

Wednesday, October 25 at 4 pm 
Mayor Muriel Bowser 
Pamela Smith, Acting Chief of Police, Metropolitan Police Department 
District Officials 
Lamont Plaza 
3258 Mt. Pleasant St NW 
*Closest Metro Station: Columbia Heights Metro Station* 
*Closest Bikeshare Station: Lamont & Mt Pleasant NW* 

Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected].  
The DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment will provide a live feed of the media avail for this event. To view the media avail, visit, tune in on Channel 16 (DCN), or watch on Mayor Bowser’s Facebook or Twitter.    

Social Media:

Mayor Bowser Twitter: @MayorBowser
Mayor Bowser Instagram: @Mayor_Bowser
Mayor Bowser Facebook:
Mayor Bowser YouTube: