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Executive Office of the Mayor

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Mayor Bowser Highlights Extended School Year at DCPS Schools

Friday, July 7, 2017
More Than 4,000 Students Receiving an Additional 20 Days of Education at 11 DCPS Schools

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Mayor Bowser highlighted DC Public Schools’ (DCPS) extended school year at Garfield Elementary School in Ward 8. Garfield Elementary is one of 10 schools that moved to an extended year for the 2016-2017 school year, bringing the total number of schools with an extended year calendar to 11 schools serving more than 4,000 students. The Mayor was joined at the event by Deputy Mayor for Education Jennifer Niles and DCPS Chancellor Antwan Wilson.

“By combating summer learning loss and giving students more time to learn and explore, our extended year schools are showing what it means to give all Washingtonians – beginning with our youngest residents – a fair shot at success,” Mayor Bowser. “I am proud of the students participating in our extended year programs, and I am grateful for all the educators and families who are making these extra days a success.”

With extended year, students receive 200 days of learning, or one month of extra instruction. Students who attend an extended year school starting in kindergarten gain an additional year of learning by the time they reach the eighth grade.

“DC Public Schools is thankful for Mayor Bowser’s investment in extended year schools. Additional time in school means our students experience more instructional and enrichment opportunities in everything from math and English language arts to world language and music,” said Chancellor Wilson.

Extended Year by the Numbers

11 DCPS Schools

4,583 Students

91,660 Additional Days of Learning

595,790 Additional Hours of Learning

School districts across the country that have extended the school year have seen significant academic gains. In DCPS, Raymond Education Campus, a Ward 4 school that serves PreK-8 students, first piloted the extended year program in the 2015-2016 school year. On the 2016 PARCC exam, the school saw improved academic performance, with a six percent increase in English Language Arts proficiency and a three percent increase in math proficiency.

Research suggests that time away from school during the summer contributes to the achievement gap. Students from low-income families often lose more than two months of reading achievement during the summer while their middle-class peers continue making gains. Extended year schools are one of the many ways the District is addressing summer learning loss and increasing student achievement.

In 2016, as part of the Bowser Administration’s work to accelerate education reform, Mayor Bowser announced that she was expanding extended year to 10 additional schools for the 2016-2017 school year, primarily at schools in Wards 7 and 8. All 11 schools will continue operating on an extended year calendar next school year. The schools include:

  • Garfield Elementary School (Ward 8)
  • H.D. Cooke Elementary School (Ward 1)
  • Hart Middle School (Ward 8)
  • Hendley Elementary School (Ward 8)
  • Johnson Middle School (Ward 8)
  • Kelly Miller Middle School (Ward 7)
  • King Elementary School (Ward 8)
  • Randle Highlands Elementary School (Ward 7)
  • Raymond Education Campus (Ward 4)
  • Thomas Elementary School (Ward 7)
  • Turner Elementary School (Ward 8)

The 11 extended year schools are in session through July 13 and return for School Year 2017-2018 on August 14.